Saturday, December 23, 2006

Holiday season workload

It is almost X'mas day. Work has been pretty nice. Today we only have 3 patients for each nurse. It seems everybody wants to go home and spend time with family. If work can be like this everyday, how wonderful is that. Compare to 6 or 7 patients, I think 3 to 4 is best nurse to patient ratio. I like working in the new floor. It has been about a month after the renovation of my floor. Things seem getting better. We have more computers and the new feelings though people still complain.

Recently, I have been working a lot. It is during school break and I wanted to spend more time working. I am enjoying the holiday light workload. After the holiday, I bet we will have more surgical patients. Not only work in the hospital, there seems so many that I have to do such as moving, eating, cooking, shopping, getting to know new people and more things to do except going back to school... I don't know if I will be ready any time soon.

At work, we have almost elderly patients. Sometimes, I really hope I won't get old because it is really sad to see how insecured and confused they are then think back of myself when I get old. Today, this lady keep asking me what time is it whenever she wakes up. Sometimes, they keep asking yor name and I will always surronder to demantia patient. I feel bad when they keep saying thing out of the box. (I am going to the mall in a minute. Would you like to go with me ORZ)......She could not remember she is in the hospital and she uses pottie chair every hours. I need to find a job that will keep my spirit up. Maybe I just need a vacation to Hawaii....

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