Accidently, I found this pet store on my way to work. Friday, I got off from my class early and was window shopping at the boutique street next to work. This was one of the stores that I went in. They have a lot of pet stuffs from dog treats, food, blankets, beds, to toys. It was interesting and surprising. The interesting thing is they sell various pet "gears". The surprising thing is the cost. Then I observed the people who came in the store and wonder if they were all relatives of Paris Hilton. Then I thought of her Chiuaua. The clerk and the owner were very nice. I did have fun looking around the store. There was this lady with her infancy son sitting in the baby trolley and her golden retriver sitting outside the store. She bought a pet toy ball that will light up in different colors when touched. It was funny when she said that it was actually for her son then she put it in her son's hands. I think maybe it works better with children than pets!
Their website are well-design and user-friendly. (
www.theloveofpete.com) Since I don't have any pet, I guess I save a lot of money.
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