The bottomline is "EVERBODY PASSED THE CLASS". Whew! when I got this message in my school email account from the instructor, I felt such a relief for all these few months' school work. This one class especially worried me. I felt so weak and powerless those two weeks during the final exam period. Five classes and job don't get quite along in deed. But I think my problem is that my worry about immigration status worsen my balance a big time.
I remember that when I was doing the physical assesment final exam for lab section. Mrs. Hart wanted me to come back the follow week to do it again, my heart was just falling down the the 18th level hell. I thought I was failed. So I had another paper test to take and the lab exam to worry. G was a girl that I felt who could be my friend from this program. She was very nice and sweet, blond hair and blue eye. We started talking when we both were going to run marathon. She is always nice to me and talk to me. Some girls (most of the girls) in the class are very sorolity type looking to me. I am not into that very much!! You know who could be your friend by instinct thats what I believe. I did not know who I could ask for to be my partner for the 2nd time lab test so I asked G and she said yes right away. That was a very strong bonding right there since we are just classmates. So I studied, practiced plus worked at the hospital. So many time I felt I was almost collapsed and broke down. I told myself thoudsand time be strong and don't let them get you! On my lab test day, I just did what's in my mind from head, face, eye, ear, nose, neck, thoracic, cardio, neuro, muscloskeleton, and vascular system. When I finised in 40 minutes, I was like a man waiting for his sentence in the court. Mrs. Hart shown me my grade of 99% and then she hugged me. I tried to hold my tears and broken voice to not let anybody found that I was weak. But that was really the most wonderful moment of this semester. I made a friend, G, and I feel love from that hug from Mrs. Hart.
School has been out for about a week and I am not ready to go back yet. In order to go back for another "hell" period, I need more time for a break to prepare myself. However, it seems time doesn't wait for people. There are so many thing are going on and things that I need to put on my shoulder in my life.