student nurse

I can't believe that I uploaded this picture to my blog! By the time when my nursing intership was at the last month back to more then 10 years ago, everybody seemed to be ready to dash out this military psychiatric ward. Working in this institute was indeed a lot of fun. I remember I had quite a lot of typical textbook cases.
Usually, we were 10 students a group and each month we went to different ward: surgical, medical, nursery, operating room, public health, psychiatric, gyn, delivery room and peadiactric. It took us a year to accomplish the intenship in order to graduate. Operating room did make my life miserable a big time. There was this doctor of rectal specialist. He was famous of his temper. You need to pass equipment to him before he acts. God knows what he wants next! So everybody had to memorize the procedures and know what equipment would be needed to be serve to him at certain point. If you miss, there will be a "house of flying dagger". I was stress out that month working in operating room.
Delivery Room was pretty tense too. Each student needs to delivery a minimum 20 babies to meet the academic requirment since we were under a nursing and midwife division. Where and who would provide such a huge quantity of babies for us students. But we made it. Thanks to the high birth rate back then.
As a nursing school student, I did learn and grow a lot. It is a vivid page in my life book.
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