This was the second round (desserts) of Italian potluck. Due to starvation, I fortot to take the picture of first round italian dishes. Learning different languages has been always my interest eventhough most of the time I stay pretty much touchy and feeling stage of learning another language except Japanese. Japanese is easier to learn especially for Taiwnese. If you look up Taiwan's history you will ealily find out why. Taiwan was once colonized by Japan and there has been a long history between China and Japan. They share part of language characters and some pronounciation are very close.
But why Italian? I have never been really interested in learning Italian but shoes made in Italy and spaghetti. It seems always happen to me getting to know people first then know the language. Spanish was never on my list until I moved and stayed in Texas for 5 years. When M came to visit in May, we were listening to Italian CDs (that I checked out from the library) on our road trip. It was so hilarious that two of us repeating after the instructor. We were laughing, mumbling and making fun of each other's poor pronounciation. It made much more fun learning together this way.
A trip has been planning on for months in mind and hopefully it will happen. After surfing on dozens of language institutes, Napoli, Italy could be one of my final destinations. I have been always drawn to the "South" and water. It is always warmer, frinderlier and cheaper. And not to mention about the authentic Italian food is originally from Napoli. My next exploration is going to be Spain. So far I have only know a place that holds the Flamenco Festival. Life has more fun to reach out different things.