Sunday, November 11, 2007
Book and Movie: P.S. I LOVE YOU
It has been a while that I have not seen a good movie when I came across to this book and movie preview (will come out in December), it wows me. There are a lot of writers in the world but there are not a lot of books that will move you in heart. Just watching the preview, I have sensed that I definately need tussie while watching this movie.
Friday, September 14, 2007
little girl and the wave
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
A farewell party
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Crazy as Muscular and Feminant - Rudolf Nureyev

Friday, August 10, 2007
Italian Potluck
This was the second round (desserts) of Italian potluck. Due to starvation, I fortot to take the picture of first round italian dishes. Learning different languages has been always my interest eventhough most of the time I stay pretty much touchy and feeling stage of learning another language except Japanese. Japanese is easier to learn especially for Taiwnese. If you look up Taiwan's history you will ealily find out why. Taiwan was once colonized by Japan and there has been a long history between China and Japan. They share part of language characters and some pronounciation are very close.
But why Italian? I have never been really interested in learning Italian but shoes made in Italy and spaghetti. It seems always happen to me getting to know people first then know the language. Spanish was never on my list until I moved and stayed in Texas for 5 years. When M came to visit in May, we were listening to Italian CDs (that I checked out from the library) on our road trip. It was so hilarious that two of us repeating after the instructor. We were laughing, mumbling and making fun of each other's poor pronounciation. It made much more fun learning together this way.
A trip has been planning on for months in mind and hopefully it will happen. After surfing on dozens of language institutes, Napoli, Italy could be one of my final destinations. I have been always drawn to the "South" and water. It is always warmer, frinderlier and cheaper. And not to mention about the authentic Italian food is originally from Napoli. My next exploration is going to be Spain. So far I have only know a place that holds the Flamenco Festival. Life has more fun to reach out different things.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
A baby shower in West End
In Texas, I knew a family also has adopted babies. It almost gave me a dejuvu. Time has flew so slilently that I have been in Virginia for two years now. Before I left Texas, I was so uncertain about my future. Living in the States has been always my dream growing up knowing that I have 4 aunts in the States. With the long 7 year living here as a non permenant resident, uncertainty is evil of my nightmare. So many girls married older american men, so many foreign students want to marry american citizens, and so many broken unhealthy relationships. I am sure that is not what I want. Well, since I have passed infant stage long long long times ago. Adoption is not an option at all. One time I even joked with my wealthy and fun major professor if he is willing to adop me (he adoped 2 Rissian girs).
Adoption, I vote it. There are many babies all over the world who eager to have family and love. While ther are many couples who unfortunately could not have their biological children, how a wonderful match for both side. To love and be loved.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Chickadee and Old Hen

Mr. L has been come and go in our floor few times. They call it frequent flyer. Before he got skin cancer (they said he used to have a tanning machine at home) and lost his wife two years ago, he worked for a telecommunicate company and was a pastor. As a 82 year old with cancer, he is better than other elders of the same age. First when he came to the floor, he could still walk with his cane and walker. He is getting weaker and weaker. This time he is juat pretty much stay in bed calling for assistances.
There are some clients that I like to stay and talk with in their rooms. Mr. L is one of them. He is polite and I think he is a really wise gentleman. That day I was helping him and passing medication in his room. "Hey! Chickadee" he called. I turned my head toward him with a big question mark on my face. "What is Chickadee?" I asked. Then he explained what chickadee means to me. Chickadee is a little bird usually indicating young and little girls. Then he asked me do you know what people call a old women. They say old hen. Well, I guess compare to his age I could be a chickadee. Everyday, I learn new words and things. This one is funny. If fact, when I checked on chickdee's really picture. They are so cute.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
A bookstore that I have never been in Paris, yet.

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Angry Dance - First Flamenco Class Ever

What a Code Blue!

Monday, I came in to work at 7pm after 2 days off. Everything was going kind of slow and easy and I was expecting a new patient from PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit). As everyday work routine, I started to passing medication and checking my patients around 8pm after I got my report from day shift nurse, L.
PACU faxed the report long before I came to work. The patient had bilateral total knee replacement done, a 83 years old female. They called to confirm I have received the faxed-report and told me they were going to send the patient to the floor. I hang up the phone and continued my work at my last medication round on a patient. I heard PACU came up and the family member were all in the room. I thought that I would go down there to check on my new patient as soon as I finished passing medicine in few minutes. Then I heard they broad casting something but did not pay attention to it. As I was talking and watching the patient swallowing pills, I heard C was running like tornado in the hall way opening the storage door getting sliding board. I ran out to the door and asked what was going on. She did not answer. A, came out from another room like I did. We ran after C to the new patient's room. There were already about 20 people in the room. I was shocked when I saw K doing cardiac compression on the bed, Dr. P was directing the whole process, S was giving ambu bag then compress the IV fluid.
I jumped into the crowd trying to do things that in the every minute period was so crucial to the patient. The EKG monitor shown a single straight line, then epi and nor epi were given to the patient still no pulse. Cardiac compression was still performing by K. Then withing couple minutes, we saw the heart beats on monitor. No body said anything, but I believed we all relief when we saw that wavy line on the monitor.
L, the nurse technician went into the room to take vital signs when PACU nurses came to the floor with the patient. She couldn't get BP, pulses and the patient was unresponsive. She was shaking and running to the charge nurse. When the operator was announcing the "code blue room 207", I missed it while passing medicine in the other room. PACU nurses dashed back to the room when they heard the announce on their way to PACU. That was how it happened so quick. PACU nurse said the patient was still talking to them in the elevator. It seemed that they had some trouble in PACU with that patient. Her blood pressure was low down there...
After this code blue, I think there are a lot I can do better. I am just glad that she did not die on me......In the medical field, uncertainty is such a trick.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Woody and me.

Woody is not my dog. But I would like to have a dog like him. In legend, Woody flew from Minisota to Richmond, Virginia to become a lovly pet of a wealthy family. When I first saw him, he had all my attention. He is probably the cutiest puppy I have ever seen. He is my type of dog. Curly messy hair, long ears, eyes with hair covered, and figure of Teddy bear, all these have let him won my heart. A, my roommate described him like a little lamb.
Virginia Beach - Part II (Yoly from Colombia)

I met Y seven years ago in West Virginia. The very first year I came to the State for school. International student house was a house that fulled of laughters, joys, romances, and friendships with strangers from all over the world. It is really hard to believe that we are still friends after 7 years. In these years, we only corresponded through emails. She is in Colombia and I am in the US.
With a week's off from M's visit from Texas, Y came two weeks ago and stayed with me along my 4 other roommates. It seemed the house suddently became international student house again. In these 7 years, we all been through a lot in live. Y works a good job in Colombia and also a licensed Psychologist. And me with 3 master degrees ( not that I am really proud of but is did mean some kind of achievment to me though?) and in the process of becoming American, we have good life.
Working full-time, I made some plans to spend time with Y and my friends here. We cruised through Richmond to Willamsburg and Virginia Beach (yes, 2nd time in a month). Although, we did not have coconut trees or hot six-packed muscle men to entertain us but all has been good. Sea breeze, waves, blue sky, sand and a ocean front hotel room with just a minute's walking distance to the beach, what can we ask more for life.
Our footprints were also left at James River with two little good looking "men". I guess that was my substitution for six-packed muscle men. It was just so hilarious when I saw they looking at me taking off my cloth with bathing suit underneath. They are definately curious. I just thoutht that was funny.
That was my "vacation" with friends this summer (yeah with over 40 hours' work and two summer classes going on). Wish my real vacation coming soon. I am ready to explor...
Virginia Beach - Part I

This May is really a friend's month for me. M came all the way from Texas visiting me in the middle of May. With working night shift in the hospital, I think maybe it is kind of good that I can spare some day time with friend coming a long way to visit me. I love friends! Ever since I work like owl, my schedule and social life have been really living like vampire. While everybody sleep, I am up; while all my friends up doing things, I sleep. To end this curse, the only salvage for me is the day when I get my permenant resident document.
Friday, May 04, 2007
My talisman
The little bear only cost me 1 pound and it seems last forever and always brings back my memory of England. I was a student back then with not much money to shop around those boutique shops or fancy department stores. However, I did window shop at Harold department store in London. Purple teddy was found in the local farm market in Cambridge while I was visiting a friend going to school there. Before I went, my friend in London thought that I was probably going to stay in a castle dormantary with my friend. And of course, it was not a dormantary in castle.
While enjoying hearing queen's language all around me, it was worth engouth the trip itself. With not knowing a lot about Cambridge University, I was "Alice wondered the world". In the two weeks, I think I have left my footprints all over the campus. I found some interesting shops, events such as folk dance and local market. That was how I found my little teddy. The grandmom like lady was one among the market carts. I just thought those bears hanging there were so cute in different baby colors and bought two. So my teddy has been living with me ever since. He has been my taleman like the one from the movie Waterloo Bridge.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tango, Salsa and Flamenco

Cheer leading was probably the very first dance form that I had. Whenever I think about going dancing some crazy nights, I always think about how I came to the point loving dancing so much. I guess if I tell any of my friends after college, nobody would believe that I was a little cheer leader in elementary school. And I tell you, it was very competitive. Without a doub, now I still dance like a cheer leader sometimes.
Without music, dancing is like a bird without singing. Any dance has certain music theme to go with: Fast, slow, high pitch, low pitch, different instruments, and more. I have always drawn to fast beat music. For me I think fast music usually connects to happier mood and spirit. Maybe that's why I like dancing and I was a cheer leader. I think music and dance has helped me live through the good time and bad time in life.
Recently, I started to like flamenco and tango. My aunt and I used to watch dancing with the stars when I visit her in New York. The movie "Moulin Rouge" sings el Tango de Roxanne while "Phantom of the Opera" ryhms it too. The song was a key that opened my heart toward tango and flamenco. In Taiwan, I knew the Flamenco long ago. There was a legend about a female dentist who gave up all her career and fortunes for Flamenco. She is now a very famous flamenco dancer in Taiwan and is very successful in performance. (
The musical "Chicago" another my favorate (West End Story the next) broadway show, taught me how sexy(evil) a women could be when they dance. Once a friend said to me, when you dance flamenco you fake a lot which I don't agree with him. They say " you don't see good flamenco, you feel it." So even I never dance flamenco yet, I believe that it is a very "emotional" dance. There are a lot I would learn from dancing it. Hopefully, I will be able to go to Spain soon.....
Monday, April 09, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
I almost fell from the chair when I read the previous post. There must be thousands of grammar mistakes I made... Coming back with sored legs and arms from upstate NY, I found that skiing was fun. Unfortunately, it was my first and last time skiing for the season. I had fun skiing with my cousin's family and friends. Usually, I am a pretty thankful person. I treasure friends, family, people and things that I found to be in a harmony status. Balance is the word, I guess would better discribe my philosophy toward life, so does skiing.
Since it was my first skiing experience techinally speaking, Dave, my cousin's husband would felt the most about how a rookie skiier may kill a person. Looking at him lying on snow after the first "blue track" run (yes, not even the black diamond yet) with me, I thought he was dead. As my cousin, after couple runs with her, I think I hurt her knee with crushing into her. I am a crim while skinning.
With almost killing two people, I skied a bit better by the end of the two day ski resort get away over the spring break. It was really a wonderful weekend get away spending time with them sicne we don't really see each other quite often. I have been thinking about relatiohship among people. Sometimes I think it is a very tough and easy lesson in life.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Busy bee life
Skiing in upstate New York sounds fun. I have been thinking about going with my cousin in Long Island since X'mas. Finally, it is spring break time and I request off from work. I is almost about 5 years I did snowboaring and skiing in West Virginia. I just hope that my cold will be gone by the time I go skiing. I guess, the busier I am the more fun I want to have.
As for work, just finished basic rhythm training and got my certificate. I felt I was in hell going to class right after work in the hospital. Fortunately, it was only a 6 week course and was begun before school started. But is you ask me what exactly the differences between 1, 2, and 3 degree AV block, I really can not tell. Patients are fun and bad. The fun part is when they get confused, they basically say something just slip out from their lip. The other day, I was changing this lady's dressing. She had a total hip replacement and was in extremly in pain. When I change it she screaming, kicking, and crying muder, but I thought it was a bit funny seeing that. Then she said to me " Is is this some kind of chinese torture?" That was really fun.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Tax Season already!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Why Blue Moon?
I moved again.
Six girls under one roof could be fun and war. I think I will find out soon. The owner is one of the six, she teaches piano at home. One girl is a lawyer, one girl is from paraguy and she is a nanny. One is a yoga inststructor. And I am the nurse. The owner has three cats. So there is really not a lot of space in the room. After moving, my whole body hurts. I wish I know good message friends.
Ever sicne I came to Virginia and got a job, I have been looking and dreaming about a house by James River. Sometimes, I drove by the river neighborhoods just to see if there are houses for sale. I think it is never to early to look for hourses. My dream house doesn't need to be big but it must be a house with garage. I think I will make this one my new year resolution then. It is really no fun moving places from places.