Sunday, April 30, 2006

One Day in Arboretum

charlie's angel Posted by Picasa

When M sent this picture to me through email, I smiled myself and time was going back to 2004's spring at SFA's arboretum. Around the time of blooming azalea every year, I think I will always remember two other angels. M has a job in Austin, Texas. F is studying in Carbondale, Illinoi. I, myself work in Richmond, Virginia. Life seems to play a very naughty game master on earth. Friends get together in a certain place then are seperated in other places. Emails, pictures, and phones are the media to connect each other from time to time until the relatiohships either longer or wash out.
We meet new friends but old friends are more adroable to me. So when new friends become old friends. It is like drinking a glass of red wine. The longer the red wines are stored the better it tastes. Cheers to my friends! And Charlie I think, he is probably the master to make friendship happen.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Laptop Posted by Picasa

New Laptop, Yeah!!

Since my second-hand old laptop kept giving me all kinds of problems, I finally made up my mind to get a new one. The question was a Mac or PC, was a entry-level or fancy one, was a cheap or cheapper one, and was black or silver...Oh, God! Can somebody just send me one from the sky and I will take it. Browsing on line and I mean just with DELL, there was just more than enough information that I needed to know. It had been about 3-4 weeks that I though about buying a new one in Feburary. Fortunatelly, my job is giving me certain level of economic security that I will be able to say goodbye to me old laptop.

I happened to find out that there is a Dell direct store (kios) in Richmond opening in March 20. Thursday after work two weeks ago, I could't wait to arrive the Kios as fast as I could and find a pretty, multifuntional, and cheap laptop then brought it home the same day. The result was a bit disappointed. When I went to a Apple store in North Carolina in December, I thought Mac was so cool. The store exhibted all kind of their products such as laptops, ipods, desktops, accessories, and softwares, etc. The store was packed (maybe it was close to X'mas). But still. So, when I went to the Chesterfield Mall Town Centre and tried to find the Dell kios, I wondered if Michael Dell was going downhill or something. But I was so desperated for a computer, I walked to talk witht the sale representative any way and bought a XPS M140 in twenty minutes. When I said I bought, it means that I ordered a laptop at the kios on line. So, I didn't get the laptop right away..... One good thing is that I got a small discount from going there.

Yeah, I am finally using my new top and having my normal life back. Without a computer, I felt
my life was so bored and started to have withdrawl syndrom from not using keyboard.... I was typing on my desk.